Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

S&P/Case-Shiller Update

Each Price Tier Registers an Increase
Posted by John McClelland on February 23, 2010 in  uncategorized
The S&P/Case-Shiller home price index came out this morning. Unfortunately it is so popular that the site crashes and I have just obtained the data. We do observe seasonality in prices in Las Vegas so I like to use the seasonally adjusted indices. Interestingly, the most current observation, December 2009, registered a month-to-month increase in all price tiers. A positive change has occurred for both November and December. Was this a purely organic increase? Probably not. The tax credit has been a relevan... Readmore

Some notes on Valuation

National Rankings and Trends
Posted by John McClelland on February 17, 2010 in  uncategorized
Modern locomotives are diesel-electric hybrids where a diesel drive motor powers a generator that in turn powers electric motors at the drive wheels. Regional economies are dynamic motors that power the locomotive...the United States. While each wheel, the regional economy has its own motor, there is a drive mechanism at the top, chiefly monetary policy and with respect to Las Vegas's regional economy, national employment can be thought of as a drive engine. In Las Vegas we really seek a broad nation... Readmore

Bond Market and Inflation

Anticipating Inflation?
Posted by John McClelland on February 16, 2010 in  uncategorized
Seeking Alpha has a good article today regarding bond market expectations of inflation. The author notes that 4.7% yields seem massive in today's low interest rate environment but 30 year bonds are still selling poorly. The weak investor appetite for these bonds implies that market participants are expecting inflation since 4.7% yield in a deflationary market would be supurb. If this author is correct about inflation expectations, what does that mean for real estate? My take is at these low inter... Readmore

LV City Councilman to speak at CBPR

Councilman Steve Ross
Posted by Hoopes and Norton Team on February 11, 2010 in  uncategorized
 STEVE ROSS TO SPEAK AT COLDWELL BANKER PREMIER REALTY  Steve Ross LV City Council Ward 6 The Centennial Hills office of Coldwell Banker Premier Realty welcomes Las Vegas City Councilman Steve Ross to it's weekly business meeting on Thursday February 18, 2010 at 8:30AM. Councilman Ross represents Ward 6 on the LV City Council. Ward 6 is the fastest growing area of Las Vegas and encompasses the far northwest and Centennial Hills. This area has doubled in poplulation in the last 6 years. Mr. Ros... Readmore

Coldwell Banker Premier Realty Agent Receives Federal Grant

Ron Opfer, CCIM to assist banks in managing commercial assets
Posted by Randi Kolesar on February 05, 2010 in  uncategorized
Congratulations to Ron Opfer, CCIM for receiving one of the first ESRI/CCIM Institute grants for his proposal to create analytical tools for the distressed asset market using ESRI's analytic software.  Ron has been a successful commercial real estate agent in the valley for many years, always at the forefront of acquiring innovative market analysis skills and industry-leading technology tools to  assist his clients and his company in this ever changing marketplace.  ... Readmore
