Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

Bank of America Cuts Principal for Some Customers

Repost from Black & Lobello
Posted by Randi Kolesar on March 26, 2010 in  uncategorized
Coldwell Banker Premier Realty has partnered with one of the most dynamic, aggressive law firms in Las Vegas to assure our clients are protected during the Short Sale process. Yesterday, it was announced that Bank of America will cut loan principal for some customers. Below is a blog entry written by Black & Lobello's own Tisha Black-Chernine, Esq. Reposted with permission. Bank of America Will Cut Loan Principal for Some Customers On March 25, 2010, in Mortgage, Real Estate, by blacklobellolaw... Readmore

Knowing the market

Mapping the commercial real estate environment
Posted by John McClelland on March 16, 2010 in  uncategorized
CIRE Magazine recently did a Q & A with Ron Opfer, Director of Special Asset Solutions at Coldwell Banker Premier Realty and a recipient of ESRI's CCIM grant. Opfer discusses our use of ESRI's arcmap software as well as our data collection efforts. We present this information graphically so that bank clients can fully understand the economic and property landscape surrounding the assets that they hold. Click here to read the article.  ... Readmore

Our Favorite Blog

Great blog for information on Short Sales
Posted by Randi Kolesar on March 15, 2010 in  uncategorized

For great information regarding Las Vegas Short Sales, please visit:


FASB may push for expanded use of mark-to-market
Posted by John McClelland on March 15, 2010 in  uncategorized
Today there was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal regarding possible strengthening in mark-to-market rules. Banks have often been opposed to these rules because they are forced to write down values in times when they believe markets to be irrational, when investors flee a market based on fear. Conversely, banks may be holding loans at artificially high-values. Investors are tired of this, knowing that banks are holding some loans in la la land and are not moving forward in moving these loans and ult... Readmore

Expansion in REIT values expected

Significant captial raised, outlook
Posted by John McClelland on March 12, 2010 in  uncategorized
Ernst & Young recently released its Global Real Estate Investment Trust Report 2010: Against all odds. For U.S REITs, the report notes several key components that factor into their outlook. Firstly, after a horrible 2008 and a choppy 2009, REITs have been able to raise significant capital, mostly through the sale of shares. Another aspect of this sector is deleveraging, although many REITs still have significant debt. I would guess that many of these REITs will have to pay down some more of this debt befor... Readmore
