Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

Adjustment in Commercial Real Estate

Finally some meetings of the minds?
Posted by John McClelland on August 23, 2010 in  uncategorized
We have discussed the buyer-seller disconnect several times. Few commercial transactions have been consumated in the past couple of years as sellers have either refused to lower prices due to a different read of the fundamentals, they cannot liquidate due to capital constraints (writedowns for bank owned) or that they simply do not understand what they own or just replace number driven judgements with hope. Similarly, some buyers are unrealistic about pricing. They often believe that everything is distressed and ca... Readmore

More on Repeat Sales Indices

Morgan Stanley Cautions about shift-n-mix, Costar Commercial Index
Posted by John McClelland on August 09, 2010 in  uncategorized
We have a bit of a fascination with real estate price indices. This is simply because of the disparity in different measurements. At Market IQ, we tend not to like average prices since averages are sensitive to outliers. However, when we go out with buyers and look for homes, we tend to "feel" the average more than any other number so it does have its utility in describing the market. Medians are useful but imperfect as well since like averages, they are affected by the changing mix of home sold in each s... Readmore
Coldwell Banker Premier Realty Commercial Agent Honored Second Time as the U.S. Small Business Administration's Choice For only the second time during this current commercial real estate market challenge, the SBA lists another building for sale -- opting to work with the real estate profession who represented the agency previously   Las Vegas -- Aug 04, 2010 / ( -- Ron Opfer, Director of Commercial Real Estate Special Asset Solutions with Coldwell Banker Premier Realty, was chos... Readmore
