Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

Inventory Continues to Decline, Sale Prices are on the Increase

Recent price pressures have yet to manifest in Case-Shiller Numbers
Posted by John McClelland on May 29, 2012 in  uncategorized
Today Standard & Poor's released the Case-Shiller home price index numbers. Recall that these tabulations end March 2012, a substantial lag. As I write this, there are just over 4,000 single family homes on the market that you can go buy today. That is just over one month of supply and is not being replenished quick enough. Further, when you slice up the inventory to what you might actually be targeting, homebuying this summer became much more challenging. We have a price per-square-foot index for the Las V... Readmore

Inventory Update

Posted by John McClelland on May 07, 2012 in  Las Vegas Housing Market
The supply situation continues to go unresolved. New listings are nearly matched by closings and inventory continues to decline. As a result, buyers and their agents are working extremely hard to match properties. For sellers, this could be a good time to list their home, since competition in many neighborhoods is sparce. Further, we are observing firming prices in many areas, but we do not know how long this will be sustained since we need to move past the peak selling season in order to observe if prices are bein... Readmore
