Coldwell Banker Premier Realty


A Method to Hedge Home Prices or Gain Exposure on the Upside
Posted by John McClelland on September 14, 2012 in  uncategorized
The CBOE has a futures contract based on Radarlogic's RPX indices. This product is starting to gain interest as one investor bought 26,490 contracts. From John Angelos at the CBOE:    ... Readmore

Should Start-ups Come to Las Vegas

There are several good reasons. More from Tony Hsieh
Posted by John McClelland on September 14, 2012 in  Downtown Las Vegas



Norway’s Real Estate Agents Join Calls for Higher Rates

Trying to prevent a property bubble from bursting
Posted by John McClelland on September 04, 2012 in  uncategorized
This is an interesting article from Bloomberg. Home prices have been on a tear in Norway and many do not want to see a replication of other bubble markets like Japan, U.S, Ireland and Spain.   However, the caveat is how one can produce a "soft landing." Most of the time bubble are not deflated little by little, but with a crash.... Readmore
