Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

Las Vegas Monthly Market Update - June 2015

A Look into Las Vegas' Real Estate Market
Posted by Jesse Olive on June 25, 2015 in  Las Vegas Housing Market
MARKET STATS So far 2015 is looking a lot like 2014 in terms of closings. Both single family homes and condominiums are very close to 2014 levels between January and May. However, the type of buyer has been shifting with prices ratcheting higher during the past year. Investors now make up a relevant but declining share of closings and the higher prices have likely tempered some first-time buyer interest although low interes... Readmore

Introduction to Mortgages - Fixed vs. Adjustable Rates

Looking to Secure a Home Mortgage? This Blog May Help You Better Understand the Type of Loan that is Best for You.
Posted by Jesse Olive on June 24, 2015 in  uncategorized
Home mortgages yield a multitude of options to select from and choosing the best one is entirely a matter of personal preference and financial standing. Coldwell Banker Premier Realty (CBPR) discussed the subject of mortgage as a matter of personal fit with Wells Fargo’s Home Mortgage specialists. The two main forms of home mortgage are fixed-rate and adjustable-rate.             The two differ in that fixed-rate has precisely what it sounds like- a ... Readmore

Title Insurance - A Few Whats and Whys

Why title insurance so important. What title insurance protect you from. How title insurance work.
Posted by Jesse Olive on June 24, 2015 in  uncategorized
At Coldwell Banker Premier Realty (CBPR), we are often asked questions like, “Why is title insurance so important? What does title insurance protect me from?” And, “How does title insurance work?”  Title insurance becomes involved in the transaction at the point of escrow--the period of time where all the funds and documents that are related to the transfer of the property are verified. Escrow is an integral part of the transaction for both buyer and seller, as it protects each party... Readmore

Short Sale... A Savior?

If You Are Facing Foreclosure, a Short Sale Can Help With Damage Control
Posted by Jesse Olive on June 23, 2015 in  uncategorized
Coldwell Banker Premier Realty recently spoke with Denise Eccher with Homeowner Relief Lawyers, LLC of Las Vegas, NV in order to help educate our readers about the benefits of short sales versus foreclosures. In that interview, we learned that foreclosures can be a crippling blow to anyone’s credit, taking into account that foreclosures automatically drop your credit score from 85 to 160 points for 7 years. These circumstances can essentially bar you from lending services and can reach as far as denying you... Readmore

Understand Your Proceeds

Knowing the Key Financial Elements After a Home Sale
Posted by Jesse Olive on June 18, 2015 in  Selling
Once you have reached your ultimate goal of selling your home, you are hopefully celebrating the fact that you received your asking price from a buyer or maybe even surpassed it if you are really lucky. But most importantly, the final offer you accept should factor in several additional expenses that go along with selling a home such as closing costs and your real estate agent’s commission. If not, you could be very disappointed in the net proceeds you get from the deal after your home is sold. This final b... Readmore
