Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

Focus on Southwest Las Vegas

Commercial Construction is Booming in this Submarket
Posted by John McClelland on August 16, 2017 in  uncategorized
If you live in the Las Vegas area, you may have noticed all of the tilt-up walls and lumber framing rising in view from the 215 in the Southwest. Clearly there is meaningful construction there; but how much? Currently there is over 372,000 square feet of commercial rentable building area scheduled to be delivered in 2017 and 2018. One of the largest components of this is the Credit One building between Durango and Buffalo, emerging in full view as you approach the 215 curve. This project is scheduled to be 152,000... Readmore

Diane Varney offers expert opinion

Posted by Peter Poggione on August 03, 2017 in  uncategorized
In a July 30 story in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Coldwell Banker Premier Realty agent Diane Varney offered expert opinion and was quoted regarding the growing issue of residential real estate and its relationship to golf courses. With golf's popularity waning in recent years, so has profitability, which has led to several local area golf courses closing. And there are more on the way. The impact on homeowners with property surrounding these golf courses is real. Read Diane's take - and a few others' - ... Readmore
