Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

Get Ready for The NFL Draft This Weekend

Experience these fun events in Las Vegas this weekend.
Posted by Tamara Foote on April 28, 2022 in  uncategorized
Experience Fun the Las Vegas Way Las Vegas is gearing up for a busy weekend, anticipating that the NFL Draft celebrations may bring in record-breaking crowds. If you intend to brave the masses, here is a rundown of everything you need to know before you go. There are also plenty of events to choose from if you want a more low-key weekend. Everything You Need to Know About theNFL Draft Experience April 28th-30th 2022 NFL Draft For Free Entry to Draf... Readmore

Southern Nevada Market Update

Let's Put an End To This!
Posted by Tamara Foote on April 27, 2022 in  uncategorized
THE REPETITIOUS HOUSING PREDICTIONS AREN'T HELPING ANYONE  In this month's market update, we look at how our market performed in March, share exciting Las Vegas news, discuss Fair Housing Month, and examine how bubble predictions in 2017 caused would-be homebuyers to miss out on significant equity gains. To see the complete video, click the play button below, or choose one of the topics that interests you most. Housing Ma... Readmore

Events Happening This Weekend In Las Vegas

How will you be spending your time this weekend?
Posted by Tamara Foote on April 14, 2022 in  uncategorized
Spring is the season that re-energizes the planet after the colder winter months, so now is an excellent time to get back outside and enjoy the warmer weather. Spring is the season that re-energizes the planet after the colder winter months, so now is an excellent time to get back outside and enjoy the warmer weather. Activities for outdoor fun are taking root everywhere; just look at the diversity. Do you want to experience the nightlife? Here are some incredible musicians and bands to ja... Readmore

The 2022 Las Vegas Real Estate Report

Posted by Haeli Paris on April 12, 2022 in  uncategorized
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