Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

  96 sup, sub { font-size: 100% !important; } sup { mso-text-raise:10% } sub { mso-text-raise:-10% } Discover why the holiday season offers a 25% greater chance of selling your home and less competition from other listings. The existing home market has faced significant challenges over the past few years, especially in Las Vegas. While the broader economy has so far avoided a recession, the housing market hasn't been as lucky. In 2022, Las Vegas saw a 28% drop in... Readmore
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As the new year approaches, many homeowners believe waiting until January is the best time to list their homes. However, over 20 years of real estate market data from Coldwell Banker Premier Realty tell a different story. If you’re considering selling your home, the holiday season could actually be the most profitable time to make a move. ? The Numbers Speak for Themselves:  25% ... Readmore
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  96 sup, sub { font-size: 100% !important; } sup { mso-text-raise:10% } sub { mso-text-raise:-10% } Curious how the 2024 election could impact your home sale? Learn what history shows and what experts are saying. With the Presidential election approaching, the economy and housing affordability are hot topics on voters’ minds. If you plan to sell your home, you might wonder how the upcoming election will influence the housing market. While elections can create u... Readmore
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Surviving a Seller's Market

The Cheat Sheet from
Posted by No name on April 28, 2016 in  Selling

          Solar Power is arguably the best personal step you can take to directly help the environment while simultaneously helping your energy bill shrink by nearly 40%. The efficiency and sustainability of solar power, especially with Nevada’s 292 days of sun yearly, make this a very attractive option. Lopping your current energy bill and replacing it with a solar power bill comes from the sum of your new utility bill combined with leasing the solar panels. For those unfamiliar with... Readmore
