Posted by John McClelland on January 28, 2010 in
Recent remarks by the Federal Reserve suggest that they believe that inflation is likely to be subdued for some time. The committee stated yesterday that they will continue the target range for federal funds at 0 to ¼ percent. Naturally, since not all indicators point to a full economic rebound, the Fed has to be careful not to prematurely apply the brakes.
However not everyone in the world markets has this same view on inflation expectations. Many bond traders have the view that inflation will not be subdu... Readmore
Posted by Randi Kolesar on January 27, 2010 in
Congrats to Coldwell Banker Premier Realty agent Carolyn Mullany on selling the former Las Vegas Home of Michael Jackson. Representing the seller, Carolyn received an offer on Friday, Jan. 22nd and closed escrow on Wednesday, Jan.27th. Read more about Jackson's Vegas Home Sale.
Check out photos of the amazing estate below!
... Readmore
Posted by John McClelland on January 26, 2010 in
Today the Standard & Poors Case-Shiller home price indices were released. There are always a lot of articles that come out after this release. Many are focused on year-over-year changes and few consult the seasonally adjusted figures. Further, many people don't know that Standand & Poors also calculates tiered price indices. These are homes grouped by price tiers, that way we can make even better comparisons. Like granny smith apples to granny smith apples versus comparing granny smith to Blenheim (yeah I h... Readmore
Posted by No name on January 25, 2010 in
For the latest happenings in the Las Vegas real estate market. January is off to a good start...Q1 is going to be busy and investor interest is swelling.
Posted by John McNamara on January 22, 2010 in
Three Very Important Questions To Ask When Choosing the Right Realtor to Sell Your Home:
1) How many homes did you and/or your company sell last year?
2) How many days did it take you to sell the average home? How did that compare to the overall market?
3) Of the initial asking prices of the homes that you sold, what were the final sale prices, and what is the average percentage of asking vs. sale price?
If you're in the process of picking the ri... Readmore