Coldwell Banker Premier Realty

Standing room only at Providence Builder Expo

New Home Expo
Posted by Randi Kolesar on January 21, 2010 in  New Homes
I am very pleased to report the Providence Builder Expo was a great success. It was standing room only with over 80% atendance at our meeting, plus several guests from other real estate companies curious to see what we’re up to out here in Centennial Hills. All the Providence Builders were present and had timely information to share with our group. Also in attendance were representatives from Focus Property Group (The Master Developer of Providence) as well as the President of the Providence Master HOA who sh... Readmore

Investors, the flip rule and FHA buyers

Posted by John McClelland on January 20, 2010 in  uncategorized
House flipping was made popular by some cable tv shows during the boom and its occurring very often today too.  But many buyers are also aware of the flip rule for FHA, where the resale of homes to FHA buyers could not occur until after 90 days. The rule was initially meant to prevent fraud, similar to what Tony Soprano did in the third season of the Sopranos. However, the rule made many of the “flipped” homes nearly unobtainable for a lot of buyers. A rule reversal is scheduled for February 1st. T... Readmore

Providence Builder Expo Update

New Home Expo
Posted by Hoopes and Norton Team on January 19, 2010 in  New Homes
This Thursday morning at 8:30AM Coldwell Banker Premier Realty's Centennial Hills office will be hosting the first of its kind Providence Builder Expo. We're excited to be adding one additional builder/developer to our list of participants. Richmond American Homes will be joining us as well. After the Expo, we will be conducting a property tour and poker-run with cash & prizes being awarded. At 2PM that day, we will be assembling at Leticia's Cocina for some great food & drink and to award the grand prize ... Readmore

Providence Builder Expo & Poker Run

New Home Expo
Posted by Randi Kolesar on January 15, 2010 in  New Homes
Mark the date for Thursday January 21, 2010 beginning at 8:30am, Coldwell Banker Premier Realty's Centennial Hills office located at 6628 Sky Pointe Drive,  Las Vegas,  NV 89131 will be hosting the first of its kind PROVIDENCE BUILDER EXPO & POKER RUN. We have teamed up with all the active builders selling new homes in the Providence Master Plan Community developed by Focus Property Group. Featured builders include: Beazor Homes, KB Homes, Lennar Homes, Meritage Homes, Ryland Homes, Warmington Homes... Readmore
